What Our Satisfied Clients are Saying

"Helena is dedicated, knowledgeable and friendly. She is constantly learning and listens as well as she teaches. Whatever your goals may be, I highly recommend Helena as your Personal Trainer."

M.F. Langley, B.C.

"Helena is number 1 in the USA and Canada! Vote for best trainer! I was her client for 8 years until she moved to Blaine! She is smart, helpful, and very professional."

"Helena, you uplift me hour after hour. Coaching, coaxing and comical - making me flower. The meditations so Satisfying, Strengthening, and Stimulating. For all that I can attain, I Thank-you Abundantly, Again, Again and Again."

Love Greta White rock, B.C.

"Helena is a dependable and professional instructor who has the respect of her participants and peers alike. I would not hesitate to recommend her as your trainer."

D.R. Coordinator, Vancouver, B.C

"Helena took a running start from a Track Athlete to become an advocate for leaders to improve their own health and wellness, and to take the next step and imbed that same philosophy and practice into the companies and organizations they lead. It makes for a powerful combination ... a great coach, leading willing pupils, and together creating healthier communities!"

Ian Tait, North Delta Business Association

"A Devoted Business Leader!"

Carolyn Sampson from ALL2Gether Solutions LLC

"Her expertise, professionalism, and ability to design personalized programs tailored to each client's needs make her an invaluable partner in achieving fitness goals. With her extensive experience and commitment to helping clients achieve results, Helena is an exceptional fitness professional."

"Her dedication and commitment for the highest professional standards in the industry is unique. She is one of the most passionate advocates and the changemakers we need."

Andrea Petrut Living with a Healing Heart

"She is an active member here to connect many people together for the best of everyone's business and network. She is truly a kind soul to help others do well. Meanwhile, she is also a very professional person who focus on bringing valueable packages for her clients to do well in their health and personal life."

"We are excited to cast a vote for Velocity Athletic Training. Helena bring a whole new level of passion and dedication to health & wellness. Congratulations on your years of achievements."

"Helena has a strong history of helping her clients with physical issues when doctors, chiropractors, and massage therapists can't help. She also specializes in emotional and mental issues, addressing these to release trauma"

"Helena is first-class in all that she does! That is why she has my Vote"

David L Clifton

David L Clifton

"I spoke with Helena, and she was the first person who invited me to speak with her individually to talk about our businesses. She loves what she does, and she is genuine in her quest to impart knowledge to people. I recommend her."